S.E.X.Y. R.I.C.H. Mama
The sacred art of confidence and money magnetism for women to create wealth, freedom and full, fierce lives.
Is this you, mama?...
Do you put yourself at the bottom of the priority list and wonder why you don’t seem to have anything you really want out of life?
Do you feel like there’s never enough money for you after everyone else is taken care of?
Do you feel like you had a choice between making money and being a good mother?
Do you feel massive money anxiety, like, all the time?
Do you say yes to other people and no to yourself often?
Do you believe in the Law of Attraction - but you haven’t been able to consistently ‘work it’?
Are you sick to death of waiting for someone to come and save you financially?
Do you feel enormous guilt for wanting more?
Do you feel jealous of others with money?
Are you someone who believes they were born to be wealthy… but can’t seem to actually figure out how to make decent money, never mind WEALTH?
Do you know you’re worthy of wealth as an idea… but when it comes down to it, there’s a little voice that tells you you’re not smart enough, experienced enough, attractive enough, thin enough, (insert your favourite not enough adjective) to actually be allowed to have money come to you easily.
Are you someone who wishes they were born with confidence, because you know it’s the confident people in this world who actually succeed and become wealthy?

This was me to a T, Mama!
In fact, I didn’t realise that even though all of these things were symptoms of the patriarchal conditioning around motherhood, I was suffering them LONG before becoming a mother.
I realise I had put myself on the bottom of my own priority list, long in advance of becoming a mother because I felt I would eventually have to do that anyway. I bet you’ve felt that too, whether you’re a mother or not!
I was the champion fiddle player, the award winning writer, the straight A student… I had everything going for me. I look back and can clearly see I should have been very wealthy by 30!
But I wasn’t. Not by a long shot.
I lived month to month. I never had savings. I didn’t have money to go on holidays. I always had a banger of a car! I mean, don’t get me wrong - I always had enough… but never more. It just didn’t add up.
Until I actually became a mother! Then BAM - the confusion cleared. I had a full epiphany.
Ironically, becoming a mother woke me up. Big time.
Becoming a mother shifted my perspective immediately and powerfully. Suddenly my success and my wealth creation became non-negotiable..
Even though it felt rebellious, counterintuitive and down-right wrong because of what I’d been conditioned to believe about what a mother should be I KNEW that I had a mission that was about more than just me.
In that first few months of being a mother I shifted and rose into this unexpected and fully expressed version of myself. I saw something that I could never unsee. That thing that I saw was my destiny. I saw that I was here to lead the way and create a movement of lioness women! I was here to create change for mamas, mamas to be, mamas of grown children, mamas who never became mamas to children, mamas who never wanted to be mamas, mamas of fur babies… every woman who’d ever entertained the notion of becoming a mother. I was here to teach, lead, show, mentor these mamas about success and money. How to fall in love with it, how to attract it, how to receive it and how to keep it so that they can be RICH. But not just that! So that they could have the lives they deserve, be the role-model their children needed and create the massive ripple effect throughout humanity - which is this…
S.E.X.Y. R.I.C.H. Mama is the movement, it’s my destiny.
But in order to start the movement I had some work to do on myself!
That work boiled down to this…
I created processes which I dedicated myself to practicing, that resulted in my being a S.E.X.Y. R.I.C.H. Mama… and it worked.
In that first year after becoming a mother I made more money than I had ever made in my life.
Since then I’ve created a brand new business which has brought me multiple 6 figures in the first 15 months of it’s existence.
Money continues to come to me, respond to me, and behaves differently around me the more I practice the processes I’ve created.
Now that I’m teaching them to others too, they are seeing the results very quickly.
Today, I have more money in savings than I’ve ever had. I can buy everything I need and more. I give more money to others than I ever have. I’m fully supported by money… It gets better and better. I am on track to be a 7 figure business owner in the next 12 months.
I want this for all MAMAS whether you’re a mother or not, whether you’re in a job, have a business, are a SAH mama or anything in between. It’s possible.
So, this is my way of making it possible for you too.
S.E.X.Y. R.I.C.H. Mama
Is a 12 month program with Lisa Fox with teaching, support, community and healing.
Master your money magnetism, vibration, and confidence, MAMA!!

This is my personal formula for success. Sounds simple? It is! And when you start applying it to your daily life…love… you won’t believe the difference.
Here's what you get...
Here’s the overview:
Module 1
R.I.C.H. Mama
Module 2
S.E.X.Y. Mama
Module 3
Get what you want, want what you get, Mama
Module 4
Photoshoot Me Now
Module 5 is coming in January 2023
Also to come in 2023 content on the following topics:
Selfies, wardrobe, makeup and all things beauty, fashion, girl talk and money magnetism.
Millionaire Mom Code part 1, 2 and 3
Facebook Course Community Group
This community of Mamas is going to be the wildest, funnest, most audacious place on the internet where all our Mamas will rise together. The S.E.X.Y. R.I.C.H. Mama Members Only FB group will be somewhere to share your wins, get encouragement, keep yourself accountable and track your wealth journey with the other fierce mamas who are about to become your besties.